Paid Social media is the best way to attract a large audience and reach your potential customers. If you’re eager to expand and scale your brand, paid social ads present an ideal avenue for growth! When executed with precision,
We refer to this as cold outreach, a strategic approach that involves marketing to an audience unfamiliar with your brand, ultimately transforming them into paying customers when working through a series of steps.
Setting expectations
In a world inundated with options, we believe that your brand deserves not just visibility but a genuine connection with its audience. Let us help you navigate the dynamic landscape of paid social media, transforming it into a tool that not only attracts attention but cultivates lasting relationships and propels your brand toward sustained success.
No brand is the same, so why should you settle for standard packages that will most likely not meet your goals and objectives. All our packages are custom-developed with your brand in mind.
Case Study: Granny B’s Remarkable Return on
Investment (ROI) in Just 30 Days Using Google
– This client invested R 4485.00 in our service fee.
– This client made a total of R 116 554.99 with a spend amounting to
R 8415.95 in his first month.
– This client’s ROI was 903% in his first month – Nearly 10 times the
amount he initially invested.
– Our main objective for this client was to increase sales through
Google Ads.
– This Client was struggling to bring his sales up.
– He was also struggling to find a partnership where he felt valued as
a client.
– This client’s quality score on Google was halting the position that he
could show for.
Strategies Implemented:
Content Transformation:
– We not only did search ads but focused on how his tone and
messaging for the brand were coming across when people
searched for him
– We had to Emphasise the trust factor for his product as the
market was saturated with products.
– Not only did we decrease his sales, but we also brought his quality
score up.
– His “Top of page” rate increased by 52.5%
– His conversion rate increased by 19.3%
– His sales increased by 61.8%
– His “Click though rate” increased by 72.7%
– The key take-away for this client is that his expectation was me
when he became a client of Billie and Code and his expectations
continue to be met on a month-to-month basis.
Case Study 2
Case Study: Fancy Parties Remarkable Return on
Investment (ROI) in Just 30 Days Using Social
Media (Paid Ads) & Google Ads
– This client invested R 7417.50 in our service fee.
– This client made a total of R 68 926.64 with a spend amounting to
R 9062.58 in his first month.
– This client’s ROI was 418% in his first month using Paid social ads
as well as Google Ads
– Our main objective for this client was to increase growth using a
sales strategy.
– This client was losing money and making a loss trying to do their
– She struggled to cope with time management in digital marketing.
– She also struggled to get the correct creatives out to attract her
– Google ads had a low-quality score and this was preventing her ads
from doing well.
Strategies Implemented:
Content Transformation:
– We started creating content that would resonate with the
– We brought colour back onto the page.
– Binge-Worthy, Nurturing Content:
– We saw that this brand needed to reach out to micro-
– The micro-influencers needed to match the brand aesthetic
and produce content that would speak to the audience.
– We took an approach of offering products without any
expectation in return and this worked well for the brand.
Compelling Ad Campaigns:
– Creating the ads for this client took testing, we needed to
know what the audience would respond to as well as make it
– These ads were designed to create a desire for the product.
These products are in high demand and we needed to show
the trust aspect around why theirs should be chosen and
Results Social:
– Reach increased by 6965.57
– Impressions increased by 15 814.07%
– Frequency increased by 125.23%
– Cost per engagement decreased by -24.27%
– Page Engagement increased by 23 523.08%
– Post engagement increased by 23 546.15%
Results Google Ads:
– Impressions increased by 140.20%
– Interaction rate increased by 14.61%
– Conversion value increased by 9100.21%
– Cost per conversion decreased by -98.78%
– Conversion rate increased by 5494.10%
– This client’s goals are still being met and exceeded on a month-to-
month basis.
– Our growth strategy has been proven to work yielding fantastic
results across the board.
Hold onto your vision
Our client glow ups
Our Client invested R4485.00 in our services,
In 90 DAYS we increased their sales by 61%
They made back more than TEN TIMES what she invested in our services
Click below to see our results:
What we did to get them there:
We started a new search campaign focused on tone and
messaging for the brand
We added more Negaviate keywords to optimise the campaigns we setup
We added additional keywords that were more relevant to customer searches
We ran campaigns based on the most optimal times and days of the week.
This client made a total of R 116 554.99 with a spend amounting to R 8415.95 in his first month.
This client’s ROI was 903% in his first month – Nearly 10 times the amount he initially invested.